Dr Maley
Page history
last edited
by Chris Putnam 11 years, 6 months ago
TEEAM Resources
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Donald Maley Monograph Series, Volume 2
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The Maryland Plan- An Old Standard with a New Twist paper by G. Donald Wood, Jr.
Book |
The Maryland Plan: The Study of Industry and Technology in the Junior High School Maley, Donald
Book Description: Bruce Publishing, 1973. Cloth.
Book |
Donald Maley
Allyn and Bacon
Publication Date:
1978 |
Book |
Donald Maley
American Technical Society
Publication Date:
1975 |
Publication |
The Contributions of Industrial Arts to Selected Areas of Education 31st Yearbook 1982 Maley, Donald and Kendall Starkweather
Book Description: American Council Indus. Arts 1982., 1982. Binding is Hardcover.
This yearbook consists of 14 articles dealing with the contributions of industrial arts to selected areas of education. Included among the articles presented are the following: "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to the Education of the Elementary School Child," by Michael J. Williams; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution in Assisting the Student with Developmental Tasks," by Donald Maley; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to the Education of the Gifted," by G. Eugene Martin; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to the Education of the Disadvantaged," by Merrill M. Oaks and Muriel K. Oaks; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to the Education of the Handicapped," by Michael Bender; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to Career Education," by Donald F. Smith;"Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to Vocational Education," by Nevin R. Frantz, Jr.; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to the Guidance of Youth," by Walter S. Mietus; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to the Improvement of Reading," by Frank Walton; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution in Assisting the Student in Language Arts Development," by Perry R. Genmill; "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to Economic Education" by R. Thomas Wright; and "Industrial Arts and Its Contribution to Consumer Education," by Rollin Williams, III. (MN)
ED348212 - Aerospace Resources for Science and Technology Education.
83 |
Abstract: |
This publication on Aerospace Programs is a special edition of "Technology Education" featuring descriptions of 15 select aerospace education programs from diverse localities spanning the full range of instructional levels. Following introductory material, the monograph contains the following largely unedited program descriptions: (1) summaries of 16 elementary school science projects; (2) review of a high school technology education curriculum focusing on instructional strategies useful to interdisciplinary conceptual integration; (3) report of the middle school activities comprising a study unit on satellites; (4) outline of a hands-on, self-directed junior high school project on model rocketry; (5) description of an introductory program for technology within a district-wide industrial arts curriculum; (6) an examination of various career options encompassed within an aviation/aerospace high school course; (7) a high school report on space station simulations; (8) profile of the space applications involving activities included within a former high school industrial arts program; (9) outline of the organization and the educational objectives involved in Moonbase America, and the specific efforts underway at Copley High School, Ohio; (10) overview of cooperative activities included in a high school aerospace technology curriculum; (11) explanation of the 8-step problem-solving procedure utilized in a high school aerospace and technology program; 12) discussion of the central project concept to focus technological instruction and high school activities; (13) detailed review of the central concept as a practical approach to interdisciplinary high school education; (14) report on the objectives, mission plan, and classroom setup for a mock, space shuttle flight at a community college; and (15) narrative of the role of graduate students involving the development of the Hubble Telescope during a practicum in an industrial arts class. Contact addresses for each author are included. A resource guide by Rob Campbell for educational services and materials available from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, organizations supporting aerospace activities, educational suppliers, and industry is included. (JJK)
This publication is a special edition prepared for presentation at the Meeting of the International Technology Education Association (Salt Lake City, UT, March 1991). |
Available from ITEEAInternational Technology Education Association, 1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091-1502 ($15.00 members; $20.00 nonmembers). |
STS Resource Package.
This packet contains four papers that are designed to help broaden teachers' perspectives on the range of potential content and programs for technology education, as well as science, technology, and society (STS). The material provides basic instruction and information that would be useful in conducting interdisciplinary studies involving technology education classes along with areas such as economics, social studies, history, mathematics, and science. The four papers cover the following topics: (1) technological alternatives to problems facing society; (2) technology in our community; (3) technology in our homes; and (4) the technological evolution of a city. Each booklet outlines unique features of the concept, grade level to which it is suited, goals, instructional strategies, other methodologies, student productivity, student development, interdisciplinary potential, and resources. The packet also contains four black and white posters corresponding to the concepts. (KC)
Opinion Papers |
Value in Vocational Education. |
Authors: |
Maley, Donald |
Publication Date: |
1990-12-00 |
Pages: |
39 |
Abstract: |
This paper, intended to assist users in developing a rationale for vocational education, lists a series of values, followed by two or more citations from the literature that support the particular item. The thesis of the paper is that vocational education can and does play a number of significant roles in the secondary school setting. The values discussed in the paper are personal values, academic values, and societal values. Each of these values is presented in the context of opportunities, followed by one or more quotations that support the item identified as a value under one of the three areas of contribution. Thirty-three sources are cited. (KC) |
This page will contain a variety of biographical resources on Dr. Maley.

created on 8/24/2010
visitors since 10/31/10 
Dr Maley
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